

Colegio Montessori del Bosque has the following programs with the Secretary of Public Education (SEP):

Initial Education:

  • From birth to 1 year old
  • Children’s Community 1 – 3 years old

Preschool Education: “Casa de Niños” 3 – 6 years old

Primary Education Level 1: 6-9 years old

Primary Education Level 2: 9-12 years old


We operate under the oversight of the Montessori Education Study Center (AMI).

Colegio Montessori del Bosque offers students the following stages of the Educational System:


      3 months – 3 years old

      At this early stage the kids work with basic activities and resources that allow them to become more independent.


    • “CHILDREN ́S HOUSE” : 3 – 6 years
      At this stage the children develop a more sophisticated awareness of themselves and the world around them through activities in the classroom. They build upon what they have already learned in life using a wide variety of Montessori activities and materials. These materials utilize all of the student’s senses in order to create a longer lasting impact on the development of the child. Learning is divided into various subjects that all intersect: living practically, mathematics, language and cultural studies.


    • ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: 6 – 13 years old
      At this stage the children develop their imagination and are integrated into a culture of respect, decency, and responsibility for themselves and each other. An understanding of right from wrong is formed. Likewise the concept of fairness begins to fully mature in the minds of students at this age. Children at this age require a larger social circle and friends with whom they can share ideas and knowledge with each other. The learning environment at Montessori del Bosque helps students at this age fulfill this need.


      The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities that aim to expand the scope of our educational program. These are scheduled until 5:30 in the afternoon. The following activities are plastic Arts: Yoga, Zumba and Origami among others